
You can install DbDefence silently. If you want to have more control with installation and copy all files yourself, please contact support for more information.


Install everything using a trusted connection to SQL Server

dbdefence_free_setup.exe /verysilent /suppressmsgboxes /components="server,client,iis,repserv" /server .\sqlserver

Installing SQL Server part using a trusted connection without shortcuts in the program menu:

dbdefence_free_setup.exe /verysilent /suppressmsgboxes /components="server" /server .\sqlserver /startmenu 0

Installing SQL Server part and encryption tools using sa password:

dbdefence_free_setup.exe /verysilent /suppressmsgboxes /components="server, client" /server .\sqlserver /login sa /password superpass

Installing IIS modules

dbdefence_free_setup.exe /verysilent /suppressmsgboxes /components="iis"

To see error messages omit /suppressmsgboxes

Successfully completed installation returns exit code 0.

Error codes

21 - Can't register DbDefence as cluster resource (if cluster available and cluster.exe fails)
22 - Can't find server
24 - Failed to run installation SQL script
25 - Failed to start DbDefence ("exec master..dbd_status" not ON)
26 - Generic ODBC error
27 - Generic ODBC error
28 - ODBC connection error
29 - Not enough permissions to create procedures in master database
30 - Unsupported platform
31 - Can't copy reporting services extension
32 - Can't copy IIS extension
33 - Failed to register IIS extension
35 - Can't install driver (the driver required to start DbDefence automatically)
36 - Can't install service (the service required to start DbDefence automatically)
37 - Can't start service
38 - old version of MMC (required for Configurator)


If you obtain a redistribution license, you will be able to avoid the interactive software Activation process.

The free version can be used in commercial projects freely. However, the free version has a limited database size of up to 30 Mb. If you need to use this software for bigger databases, then please Read more about obtaining the full version.